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(West Nippon Rural Reservoir Institute)
Samuel Glade
Landscape Architect
since(2nd stage) 2020/11/18
PF(ポートフォリオ)を追加 2024/5.21
PFに国際学会論文追加 2024/11.30
PFに岩盤すべり解析 2024/12.02
PFにため池概論本の掲載 2024/12.15
PFにカナダ水力発電再計画 2024/12.15
PFにアニメ 夏目友人帳の旅 2024/12.18
PFに夢は大きく生命科学へ 2025/1.01
PFに鉄塔の設計方法 2025/1.10
PFに基礎の地盤改良プログラム 2025/1.10
PFにコウノトリの飛来ショット 2025/1.10
(Solve the world's water and food problems)
Agricultural pond can be mitigated flood
by reservoir effect.
Drinking water can be stored in the dry season.
The secret of watertight sealing
Interlocking of large and small particles is
the basis of water sealing (not clay).
Compared to clay of the same little size, the
gaps of sandy soil are smaller and
compressive strength is stronger than clay.
. It protects for uneven sink.
Japanese view of religion
I'm doing my best,so please help me,ancestors.
Thank you for your kindness.
I hope that whole family will continue to be healthy.
I will keep our ancestors history and maintain the
grave by my family.
Max6920m3/s放流可能 (寄稿記事に詳細)
くV字ジャンプする時、見事に K点を越える。
(戦争と平和;war and peace)
(誠実と寛容;sincerity and forgiveness)
(人類の共存・共栄;coexistence and coprosperity of humankind)
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dam Construction History)
(Bridge seismic reinforcement work)
500 Terry Francois Street
San Francisco, CA 94158
Tel: 123-456-7890
Fax: 123-456-7890
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